This is a bit of my episode with Dr. Win Corduan in which we talk the latest edition of his book Neighboring Faiths. Hear the whole episode below. Enjoy.
Penjammin: Oh, I have a list of things I wanted to ask you, but mostly I want to talk about your book, which is not about elves or dwarves or anything like that. Some people probably still believe in them, so maybe in a future edition. Right? [laughter] It's Neighboring faiths. Why this book, and how is it distinct from others?
Win: In the 90s, if you were looking for a book in world religions to use as a textbook in your class at a Christian college, your choice was between books that were motivated by various agendas (all religions are the same or maybe the original religion of humankind was the worship of Mother God and so forth). And having been placed in the situation by the Lord that I needed to teach world religions . . . I started to study for that to make my teaching worth while more and more and more. Then finally, I got to the point where some students were encouraging me to write that book, and I thought about it, and I approached InterVarsity press with the idea of writing a book from a Christian perspective, and they went along with that. And so I wrote the first edition, and thankfully, the Lord has blessed that. So now up to the third edition, and I don't know if there will be any more.
Win: You know, I think that as a Christian who makes no pretense of being anything else, who even prefaces his book with reflections on Christianity and world religions, I can give a fairer and more objective picture of what others believe than those who think it's all the same pudding just in different cups.
Penjammin: Yeah, yeah.
Win: I distance myself from, say, Buddhism and Hinduism. It's not my religion. I can give an objective description of both rather than looking for a nonexistent common core.
Penjammin: That's interesting because it also points out that the perspective that the religions all have this common core, that they all melt down to pretty much the same thing, that is just as much of an assumption or a presumption or a slanting bias, potentially, as anything else would be. And it seems like that's assumed to be the objective point, when really it's one other view, right?
Win: Right. It becomes almost a religion in itself. When you say that we really don't worship Jesus, but we all worship “The Real”; we just don't know it, as a Christian, I feel like I'm being shortchanged. I think most people would think the same.
Penjammin: Right. That's interesting when the “neutral” person says something like that, and then every other adherent of a religion says, “No, you got us wrong!”
Win: Yeah.
Penjammin: Like, Wait a minute. Everyone disagrees with your [analysis]? Maybe it's you.
Win: From the first edition on, from the very start, I had for each religion, the section . . .
Here more below.
Penjammin grew up in a labyrinthine cavern. Later he ran with the wolves and lived every moment marinated in the sweet scent of his game, until pirates landed and… (see “About”). Get his eletter at